Rwanda Updates

I’m not typically greeted by a parrot saying “good morning”.Then again, I’m not Steph.  She’s asked me, her sister, to update her website while in Africa.  Wow!  She’s trusting.  Thankfully, we’ve been communicating regularly via blackberry.  I’ll do my best to relay her amazing stories.

Steph and Jen arrived safely, with all luggage in tow, Saturday afternoon (our time).  Steph spoke Sunday morning to a wonderful church.  In her words, “The people are amazing!”  After a message in the Word, a beautiful time of worship and celebration exploded in the place.  Men and women were “grabbing the flags of their countries…over at least 20 nations represented.”  They started “running around with them in celebration, declaring God’s glory over their countries.  It was quite a sight as we celebrated!”

Please continue to pray for the upcoming Ladies’ Conference.  Many more have signed up, and the initial planning meetings have gone very well.  Today is spent with the missionary, his wife, and their daughter.  Please pray for a time of rest, encouragement, and health.

Thank you everyone for praying for my sister!  And, as a true younger sister, I’m asking the Lord to drive her just a little bonkers with that very talkative parrot.  🙂

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