When Seasons Collide
What a sight it was – snow on the green leaves?
I watched the small tree in front of my condo begin to bend under the weight of the snow-covered leaves. Limbs and trees snapped apart – some falling onto the roadways. Power outages were the common conversation among the many people out for breakfast. (We needed our morning coffee!) Apparently, the trees didn’t get the memo that they needed to let go of their leaves early because winter was going to make a surprise appearance.
What a picture it was of what I believe our lives look like when seasons collide and we fail to live in our God-ordained seasons. We begin to bend under the weight and pressures that are falling on us. Many times it’s because we haven’t “let go of our leaves,” those things that we hold onto – activities, attitudes, or anything else that doesn’t cooperate with His ordained seasons in our lives. You see, we only got 3-4 inches of snow that weekend. That amount of snow during the winter when the trees are bare would be no problem at all. It would barely slow life down, let alone bring it to a powerless stop. An indicator that we’re not living in our God-ordained season is that we begin to bend under the weight of our “snow-covered leaves.” He says that His yoke is easy and His burden is light. He invites us to come exchange our weariness and heaviness for His Rest! He doesn’t want us to bend and break under the pressure of “collided seasons.”